Dan Crosby
Founding Pastor (1965 - 2021)
Daniel Crosby attended Bible school at Victory Bible Institute in Tulsa, OK, in 1985 and received hands-on experience at Victory Christian Center. Feeling called to the local church, he was asked to be an associate pastor at a 1,200 member church in Northwest Indiana. He graduated from Regent University with a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. In 2014, he planted Fuel Church alongside of his loving wife, son, and daughter. In August of 2021, Dan passed suddenly. While he may no longer be physically present with us, we still believe the call he answered from God is still relevant to us today.. to ignite the nations of the world and the local church with God's love.

Joylin Syme
Worship Minister
Joylin Syme is a highly committed, dedicated musician who directs the Worship Team to bring the church body into the presence of the Holy Spirit through worship. She has been faithfully leading worship at Fuel Church since the church began in February of 2014.

Stewart & Millie Lieberman
Associate Pastors
Stewart and Millie heard God’s call into ministry over 36 years ago. In their journey, The Lord has led them to minister in over 40 nations, with a passion to see people set free from bondage and released into their destiny and calling as lovers of God and His children sent into a fallen world fully equipped! They have a call to reach the community and the nations through prophetic teaching, discipleship, encouragement and service. Before arriving in Denver to join the staff of an inner city church and help start a congregation, they lived in Israel, where they came along side to serve by helping to co-pastor a Hebrew speaking Messianic Jewish congregation in Tel Aviv. They have a heart for the people of God to experience His presence, embrace a Biblical understanding of the scriptures from a Jewish perspective, a Biblical worldview of Israel and its significance and relevance for today. They desire all people, Jew and non-Jew come to know the Messiah! (Romans 1:16)

Jeff Syme
Sound & Media Tech Director
Jeff coordinates the technology and media teams for the Sunday morning service including sound, visuals, and video . Jeff has been overseeing technology and media since Fuel Church began February of 2014.

Marie Simmons
Hospitality Coordinator
Feeling a little hungry? Marie and the Hospitality Team will make sure that you have coffee and donuts before the service begins each Sunday. But make sure you arrive a little early though! Marie coordinates a fun team of people who want to make you feel at home every time you walk through the doors!