Beholding Him

May 26, 2024    Pastor Stewart Lieberman

As we draw into Him; we are enriched, strengthened and experience greater Shalom! In the words of John Bevere: “I am being transformed into the image of Jesus from Glory to Glory! All things are possible if I only believe and approach God with holy fear”. Listen in as Pastor Stewart Lieberman brings us this powerful message.



“When we see Him face to face in all His holiness and blazing glory, it will seem incredible to us that we ever had a casual thought in relation to Him” -Joy Dawson-

Please let us know if you have said “Yes!” to Jesus or want to accept Jesus into your heart! We want to walk with you on this new path you have chosen. Contact us via email at so we can come beside you.

If you have gotten anything out of today's service, please share it on your social media with those close to you but far from God so we can all grow together.

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